Sharper V-Medallion
Intro Price $15.00

Our Sharper V-Medallions are about 2.75" wide and about 2" tall.

Our Sharper V-Medallions come with backing plates.
For installation, our V-Medallions have bendable tabs on the back of them. A small slit for each tab needs to be cut through the material you are mounting the medallions to. On the backside of the material, put the backing plates over the tabs, and bend the tabs down to firmly hold the medallions in place. If you want to "sink" the medallions into seat foam, heavy thread can be woven through the holes in the backing plates, which is then used to pull the medallions down into the foam.
If you have used our other 2" or 3.5" V-Medallions in the past, this photo lets you compare the sizes of them to the Sharper V-Medallions